The krpano Viewer is a little and truly adaptable elite watcher for all sort of all encompassing pictures and intelligent virtual visits. The watcher is accessible as Flash and HTML5 application. The watcher is intended for the use inside the Browser on Desktop (Windows, Mac, Linux) and on Mobiles/Tablets (iPhone, iPad, Android, ...

Notwithstanding the krpano Viewer there are the krpano Tools - this are little devices and beads which are serving to consequently set up the all encompassing pictures for review and preparing them to-utilize. Making a pano or a visit is conceivable just by intuitive.
Persuade yourself by review the models and/or by downloading the krpano Viewer and krpano Tools for nothing and have a go at utilizing them with your own all encompassing pictures.
See likewise for the Tutorials.
The krpano Panorama Viewer is accessible as Flash and HTML5 watcher. The two watchers have and utilize similar interfaces for controlling the panos and the format.
Superior and top notch delivering
The delivering execution and the picture quality were and are one of the two most significant highlights in the krpano advancement. Moreover there are additionally solid improvement requests to keep the watcher itself as little and productive as could be expected under the circumstances.
Nearly everything is adaptable in the krpano watcher. There are settings for everything and including custom settings or practices is conceivable as well. krpano has an adaptable and dynamic xml scripting framework which permits understanding own thoughts and highlights.
To assemble UIs simply incorporate and orchestrate your pictures on the watcher screen.
Also, for considerably more and more profound tweaking or broadening the watcher itself it is conceivable to incorporate outside Flash or Javascript (HTML5) modules. See here for the all accessible krpano Plugins.
- Wide-scope of upheld all encompassing arrangements and picture document designs
- Upheld all encompassing organizations by the krpano Flash Panorama Viewer:
- Solid shape and Cubestrip Images
- Circular Panos (360x180)
- Barrel shaped Panos
- Halfway Spherical, Partial Cylindrical Panos
- Level Images
- Cubical QTVR documents (.mov)
- Zoomify Images
- Item Movies (=Multi-Frame-Flat-Images)
- All encompassing Videos (Spherical, Cylindrical, Partials)
- Upheld information and yield picture document designs for the krpano Tools:
- JPEG (.jpg, .jpeg) Photoshop Document and Photoshop Big Document
- 3D Projections
- The krpano Flash watcher bolsters a few different ways for anticipating the pano picture on the screen:
- The typical or additionally called Rectilinear Projection.
- Fisheye Projection.
- Stereographic Fisheye Projection (when peering down additionally called 'Little Planet View').
- Pannini Projection (Cylindrical Fisheye/Stereographic).
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