IB ACIO Recruitment 2020: Online Application For 2000 ACIO-II/ Executive Vacancies, Exam Pattern, Salary.
IB Recruitment 2020: Online Application are invited from Indian Nationals For Direct Recruitment to the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade II / Executive / ACIO-II / Exe in IB, (Ministry of Home Affairs), Government OF India.
IB ACIO 2020 Exam: It is a good opportunity for all the interested candidates who are looking for jobs in Intelligence Bureau. For more information related to Educational Qualification, Age Criteria, Selection Mode, Important Date and other Eligibility process please read the below article carefully. Also must read the official advertisement in detail before applying.
IB Recruitment 2020: Online Application are invited from Indian Nationals For Direct Recruitment to the post of Assistant Central Intelligence Officer, Grade II / Executive / ACIO-II / Exe in IB, (Ministry of Home Affairs), Government OF India.
IB ACIO 2020 Exam: It is a good opportunity for all the interested candidates who are looking for jobs in Intelligence Bureau. For more information related to Educational Qualification, Age Criteria, Selection Mode, Important Date and other Eligibility process please read the below article carefully. Also must read the official advertisement in detail before applying.
The Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), which is now known as the Ministry of Education, Government of India (GOI), has established National Testing Agency (NTA) as an independent, autonomous and self-sustained premier testing organization under Society Registration Act 1860 for conducting efficient, transparent and international standards tests in order to assess the competency of candidates for admissions to premier higher education institutions.The Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development (now known as Ministry of Education), Government of India has entrusted the responsibility of conducting Joint Entrance Examination JEE (Main) to the NTA from 2019 onwards.This decision of the government has given relief to more than three lakh teachers of the state. The BJP government had increased the school hours. Teachers’ organizations had been opposing this decision since the time was increasing.
According to the order issued by Education Group-1, the time for single shift schools from April 1 to September 30 will be from 7:30 am to 1 pm and from 1 October to 31 March, the time for single shift schools will be 10 am to 4 pm. Has been scheduled until noon.There has been no change in the timing of two innings schools. These orders have come into force with immediate effect. For this reason, from Friday, all government schools in the state will be opened according to the new time.
Post No. OF Post Salary
ACIO-II / Executive 2000 44900-142400/- (Level 7)
Category Wise Vacancy Details:
UR 989
EWS 113
OBC 417
SC 360
ST 121
Total 2000
Post - Education Qualification
ACIO-II / Executive Graduation Or Equivalent From a Recognized University.
Desirable Qualification:
Knowledge of Computers.
Age Limit:
18 To 27 Years.
1. The upper age limit is relaxable for departmental candidates up to 40 years of age who have rendered 3 years of regular and continuous service.
2. The age limit is relaxable up to the age of 35 years for general candidates and up to 40 years for SC/ST in case of widows, divorced women, and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried.
3. The age limit is relaxable for ex-servicemen as well as for candidates who were domiciled in J&K from Jan 01, 1980, to 2 Dec 31, 1989, as well as the children & dependents of victims of communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat as per the Govt. instructions in this regard issued by the Central Government from time to time.
4. The age limit is relaxable up to a maximum of 5 years to the meritorious sportsperson.
Application Fees:
For Gen / OBC Candidates: Rs.100/-
For SC / ST Candidates: No Fees
Selection Process :
1. The Candidates has to appear in Tier-I at one of the 3 Centre allotted to him/her out of his choice of three cities. there will be negative marking of 1/4 mark for each wrong answer. No Marks would be awarded for an un-attempted question.
2. in order to achieve qualitative selection & Recruit the best available talent, there would be cut-off marks (Out of 100) in Tier-I Exam as Under:
UR-35, OBC/EWS-34 & SC/ST-33 (all Ex-servicemen would be treated in their own category wise, UR/EWS/OBC/SC/ST)
IB ACIO 2020 Exam Pattern
Written Examination
Description Of Examination Time Marks
Tier-I Exam (Only Online Mode): 100 Objective type MCQs, Divided into 5 Parts Containing 20 Questions Of 1 Marks each on:
A. General Awareness
B. Quantitative Aptitude
C. Numerical / Analytical / Logical ability & Reasoning
D. English Language &
E. General Studies
(Negative Marking of 1/4 Mark for each wrong answer) 1 hour 100
Tier-2 Descriptive type paper of 50 Marks: Essay (30 Marks) & English Comprehension & Précis writing (20 Marks) 1 hour 50
Interview: Tier-III / Interview – 100
Note: Candidates appearing in interview may be subject to Psychometric / Aptitude Test Which will be a part of Interview.
IB ACIO Exam 2020 Centre.

Important Link :-
How To Apply:
Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Important Date :
Online Application Start From: 19.12.2020
Online Application Last Date: 09.01.2021
Post No. OF Post Salary
ACIO-II / Executive 2000 44900-142400/- (Level 7)
Category Wise Vacancy Details:
UR 989
EWS 113
OBC 417
SC 360
ST 121
Total 2000
Post - Education Qualification
ACIO-II / Executive Graduation Or Equivalent From a Recognized University.
Desirable Qualification:
Knowledge of Computers.
Age Limit:
18 To 27 Years.
1. The upper age limit is relaxable for departmental candidates up to 40 years of age who have rendered 3 years of regular and continuous service.
2. The age limit is relaxable up to the age of 35 years for general candidates and up to 40 years for SC/ST in case of widows, divorced women, and women judicially separated from their husbands and not remarried.
3. The age limit is relaxable for ex-servicemen as well as for candidates who were domiciled in J&K from Jan 01, 1980, to 2 Dec 31, 1989, as well as the children & dependents of victims of communal riots of 2002 in Gujarat as per the Govt. instructions in this regard issued by the Central Government from time to time.
4. The age limit is relaxable up to a maximum of 5 years to the meritorious sportsperson.
Application Fees:
For Gen / OBC Candidates: Rs.100/-
For SC / ST Candidates: No Fees
Selection Process :
1. The Candidates has to appear in Tier-I at one of the 3 Centre allotted to him/her out of his choice of three cities. there will be negative marking of 1/4 mark for each wrong answer. No Marks would be awarded for an un-attempted question.
2. in order to achieve qualitative selection & Recruit the best available talent, there would be cut-off marks (Out of 100) in Tier-I Exam as Under:
UR-35, OBC/EWS-34 & SC/ST-33 (all Ex-servicemen would be treated in their own category wise, UR/EWS/OBC/SC/ST)
IB ACIO 2020 Exam Pattern
Written Examination
Description Of Examination Time Marks
Tier-I Exam (Only Online Mode): 100 Objective type MCQs, Divided into 5 Parts Containing 20 Questions Of 1 Marks each on:
A. General Awareness
B. Quantitative Aptitude
C. Numerical / Analytical / Logical ability & Reasoning
D. English Language &
E. General Studies
(Negative Marking of 1/4 Mark for each wrong answer) 1 hour 100
Tier-2 Descriptive type paper of 50 Marks: Essay (30 Marks) & English Comprehension & Précis writing (20 Marks) 1 hour 50
Interview: Tier-III / Interview – 100
Note: Candidates appearing in interview may be subject to Psychometric / Aptitude Test Which will be a part of Interview.
IB ACIO Exam 2020 Centre.

Important Link :-
Download Official Notification From Here
Apply Online Registration / Login Here
How To Apply:
Interested Candidates may Apply Online Through official Website.
Important Date :
Online Application Start From: 19.12.2020
Online Application Last Date: 09.01.2021
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